Gojo is a character from the anime series “Jujutsu Kaisen” created by Gege Akutami. Today, we will show you a step-by-step procedure to draw a Gojo character.
The character is known for his uniqueness, together with his white hair, blindfolds, and occasionally arrogant demeanour. We hope you will have fun sketching Gojo with us in just eight steps.
Art Materials & Equipment
- Paper
- Marker
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Sharpener
- Compass (Alternative)
Step To Draw A Gojo Character
We have added a brief demo of today’s tutorial to sketch Gojo. To begin drawing a Gojo, follow the steps one by one.
Step 1: Draw the Forehead and Top of Mask
Start by outlining a curve line in the middle of your sketch paper, which will represent the forehead. This line should go down the middle to mimic the shape of the forehead.
Step 2: Add the Lower Mask And The Face
Draw a slightly longer, curved line just below the first line, which will be the lower edge of the mask covering the eyes. Then, sketch the oval shape slightly down from the lower mask to make the gojo’s face.
Step 3: Outline the Collar
First, draw a straight line from below the shape of Gojo’s face to make it look like a neck. Then, draw a V shape connecting the neck to make the collar. Again, two lines of bent shape will be added to finish the neckline.
Step 4: Detail the Hairline
Begin sketching from the top, somewhat curved, and spiky hair strands going outward. You can follow the picture above to sketch Gojo’s spiky hair.
Step 5: Add Ears
As we have finished the face layout, you can portray the ear on both sides. Draw a C shape and add a touch inside the shape to make it look realistic.
Step 6: Sketch Other Facial Structure
Draw the nose and mouth just below the mask. Add a dot or a curved line downward to make the nose. Then, for the mouth, add a light smile by simply drawing a curved horizontal line.
Step 7: Add Structures In The Mask
Add patterns to the mask, outline the first two like eyes, and elaborate designs based on the character’s typical appearance. While adding structure to the mask, add some touch to the hair by simply adding some lines.
Step 8: Complete With Shade To The Mask
Finally, we completed drawing a gojo. Let’s add a final touch by shading the mask with a pencil. Ensure that the added shade does not obscure the design.
Coloring Part
As we all know, the character is only seen upside down in a black mask, so we preferred not to use any colors. You can color according to your wish too.
Finally Out Artwork Is Completed
We have completed the drawing of Gojo with these easy steps, hope you like it and enjoyed the process.
If you have any comments or feedback, please share them with us. We value your input and look forward to hearing from you.